Corporate responsibility is an umbrella name covering a range of rules of conduct by a corporation desiring to be perceived and considered as a decent “citizen” and one which properly treats its surrounding stakeholders.

The conduct of organizations, and in particular of businesses, according to rules of corporate responsibility, is far from being a simple matter, as by nature (or perhaps not), it contradicts the natural ongoing conduct of an enterprise as one aiming to achieve its goals.

Corporate responsibility covers numerous and diverse fields of operation, for example: business ethics, corporate governance, products, marketing and public relations, customer service, business partners, chain of supply, human rights, environmental commitment (recycling, reducing the corporate footprint), fair and diverse working environment, social responsibility, philanthropy and more. However, the implementation of corporate responsibility and sustainability within the framework of a corporation’s ongoing management creates a long-term financial value, and is tightly linked to the corporation’s corporate culture.

We, at Entropy Corporate Governance, provide enterprises with advisory services in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR), that includes building a CSR strategy, accompanying its implementation and writing a corporate responsibility report.

We assist corporations in writing a corporate responsibility report which is aimed at telling the financial-social-environmental story of the corporation. During the process, we introduce and verbalize the interests of all the stakeholders. A corporate responsibility report can be used by a corporation in its ongoing business management and shared with its stakeholders, based on the global reporting principles of the Global Reporting Initiative Organization.

The advantages of writing and publicizing a corporate responsibility report are:

  • It facilitates the mapping of the entirety of activities and their impact, and the setting of goals for improvement
  • It is a tool to improve public image and strengthen reputation
  • It facilitates a more effective risk management
  • It increases employee motivation and loyalty
  • It is a means for a direct, transparent and credible communications with all stakeholders in the corporation